The Secondary Level I at ipso! International School is currently a three-year, full-day English and German-speaking school for children aged 12 to 16. At our school, the school years 7, 8, and 9 are termed SY1, SY2 and SY3. The ipso! International School is a state-approved private school under the supervision of the Canton Aargau Cantonal School Inspectorate. A tenth school year can be offered by our sister school ipso! Haus des Lernens.
The educational concept corresponds to the state curriculum of the Canton Aargau at the two levels of ‘Bezirksschule’ (high level) and ‘Sekundarschule’ (medium/high level). It is implemented bilingually and is visionary. The successful concept of individual support at primary level, vivid and motivating, within the framework of a holistic education will be continued.
We open up better opportunities for the future for our young people by developing self-confidence and teaching 21st century skills such as creativity, communication, collaboration/teamwork and critical thinking. In our Creaviva lessons, we combine artistic activities with the practice of foreign languages. Special talents are also encouraged across classes and levels. Young people who need more time will be given it. The combination of local and international curriculum, which is tried and tested at the ipso! International School, also permits continuous transfer from and to the state school system at this level.
In our ipso! Sciences module, we encourage exploratory learning through creative, interdisciplinary and practice-orientated research projects with an emphasis on MINT subjects.
We practice life skills in the ipso! Life module in exciting subjects such as design technology (handicrafts), fabric design (textile design) and food technology (cookery). We teach fine motor skills that are useful in everyday life and in many professions. Our young people explore nature and ecosystems. Within the framework of social internships and projects, our young people experience the living conditions of other people, develop empathy and a willingness to help.
As part of career coaching in ipso! Career, we prepare our students for entrance exams to grammar schools or vocational secondary schools. Professional application documents are prepared for their chosen career and our young people are prepared for job interviews in intensive application training sessions. We also actively support completing trial days.