Teacher-Parent Conferences
ipso! International School organises two conferences each school year, at which parents, teachers and students have the opportunity to talk to one another. The school is closed for regular lessons while these conferences are held. In addition to ongoing feedback and school reports, these conferences offer parents the opportunity to find out more about how their children are progressing and to discuss their children’s intellectual, emotional and social development with the teaching staff.
Student-Parent Conferences
At the end of the second semester, a conference run by the students is held in place of regular lessons. The children proudly and impressively present the progress they have made in the previous school year to their parents.
Classroom Visits
The teaching staff from all four educational levels regularly open up their classrooms to visitors. The children present the work they have done in different subjects and afterwards there is a convivial social gathering with the parents, teaching staff and children. These events normally take place during the first or last lesson of the school day and only last about one hour. These non-obligatory yet highly valued visits from parents can thus be better coordinated with parents’ work obligations.
Electronic Networking between Teaching Staff and Parents
The school administration platform Escola connects teachers and parents with the aim of providing insights into and information about daily school life. At the same time, an informal exchange between teachers and parents is also possible, for example at the regular coffee mornings.
Personal Discussions
The school management and the teaching staff will gladly be available for individual and personal discussions by appointment.